Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Last one...

Okay... There's really no point in writing a full email for this week... considering next week I'm going to see all of you anyways... Man... That's so weird... 

Dad asked me a bunch of questions and I dont really know the timeline that everything will be happening because I just put Randi in charge of all the party type things for when I come home. All I know is that on the day I get home, I'm most likely not gonna be that hungry so I'm not going to want a big huge meal. Maybe save that for Sunday and we can have a family dinner or something. My request is roast beef and yorkshire pudding. Then for my actual BIRTHDAY, we need to go out to eat at Doan's because the only Asian food they have in Arkansas is gross buffet stuff. I need legit Vietnamese.... 

Also... Good news. I get to go to the Memphis Temple after all! WOOT! I'm going on Monday. So the plans are to go to Church in Hot Springs on Sunday, then right after, we're leaving and going to spend the rest of the night in Maumelle so I can visit Larry and Louise and Ashley and all the other people I love from there. Then that night, I'll be staying in the mission home, and we'll be leaving to go to the temple (all the departing missionaries) for a Monday morning session. then we come back to Little Rock to have our final interview with President Drewes and we do whatever it is departing missionaries do that night. Then off to the airport the next morning at 7:00am and I'll be home 6 hours later... this is all sooo weird.... 

Anywho... That's what's going on.. Thank you so much for everything that y'all have done for me. I've needed your prayers and appreciated your letters. I'll see everyone soon. Dont get too excited. Stay busy. Love you!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Victoria Day!!!

So Canada's Holiday is this week and the USA's holiday is next week... I have no idea what Memorial Day is all about other than that it closes the li-berry and is making me have to email for the last time next week on Tuesday. Oh well... That's just how it works out. 

So... I hope all went well for everyone this week. It certainly went well for me. I have exciting news!! HOT SPRINGS ISN'T CLOSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was actually quite an incredible series of events. President Drewes told us that the lease of our apartment ran out this month, so we'd be closing the area, but then this week he told us that the lease was still running out, but that we wouldn't closing the area!!!! So this is what happened. There is a member in the Ward here that is serving as Mission President for the Tennessee Knoxville Mission (President Griffin), and he called President Drewes and told him that the Sisters in Hot Springs needed to move into his house that he still owns here. Soo... We're moving into a house!!! Well... I'm not.. I'm moving in for one day... but the point is that Sisters are staying in Hot Springs!! YAAAAYY!!!!! President Griffin's daughter is living in his house while he's away on his mission, so that's perfect because they have plenty of room for two others in their big house. So. That's my exciting news. And the best part about it, is that President Griffin knew nothing about the lease expiring, and he's been gone for a year already, and just chose this month to open his house to the Sisters. Seriously... NOT a coincidence!!!

As for other exciting news. I got to participate in the 3rd annual bathtub race... Look it up. Steweart Pennington's Bathtub Race in Hot Springs. Basically we all dress up according to our team's theme and we race in bathtubs on wheels down Central Ave.. hahaha. So we, the missionaries were dressed up like cows pushing a pink "cow-dillac"... haha... a ward member does it every year with the missionaries and we participate gladly. haha..

We're still working closely with the less-actives and making small differences. I'm really enjoying my time here. It's finally stopped raining, and it's been staying in the 70's and low 80's all week.. It's perfect weather. I'm so glad I'm missing out of the hot, sticky Arkansas summer. I timed this very well. hahaha...

That's pretty much all I've got for this week. Keep on choosing the right and making me proud. I love y'all and am thankful for you in my life. THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy May

So... Another month begins, and it continues to boggle my mind at how fast time passes...

Thankfully, this week has been a lot less eventful, and because of it, there's not really much to report. But I'll still share a couple of experiences from the week.

On Tuesday we went to a member's home for dinner and that was a monumental event. haha. Sis Gibbs has had a rough past with the Sister missionaries and as a result, for the last year she's been very cold to the Sisters, but did everything with the Elders... That's fine and I can handle it, but I took it upon myself to change that and get the Sisters back into her good books. MISSION COMPLETE!!!!! She's the one that bought me the pair of heels! The only thing I did to get her to like us again, was talk to her and compliment her everytime I saw her on her hot shoes.. She's like 56 and still wearing heels that I would wear. She's amazing like that. haha.. So. She invited both us and the Elders over for dinner on Tuesday, and it was awesome!! I feel so accomplished. haha. So she showed me her closet FULL of shoes and I practically had a heart attack because I was so excited about them, and then she gave a pair of heels to Sister Costley! WOOT!!!!! I love having these experiences where you know you've made a positive change that will continue to affect people long after you're gone. This was one of them. 

Also. Last night we got to go to the CES Broadcast! I WAS SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been able to go to a CES Broadcast since BEFORE my mission, so this was a happy event for me because anything CES or Institute related brings me immense joy. So we were supposed to have a couple investigators show up, but none of them did... So us and the Elders and one other YSA in the ward were in the Chapel watching it. hahaha... Kind of funny, but still enjoyable. Sister Costley was geeking out because it was broadcast from BYU-Idaho, where she graduated from before she came on her mission. Add the fact that Elder Bednar spoke, who was the President of BYU-Idaho when she attended... She was in heaven. It was kinda funny.

So this month seems to be pretty promising. We have a 10 year old and and 11 year old that we're planning on having baptized on May 30. They're both from different less active families that are wanting to be active again, so we're super pumped about that. 

Basically that's all I've got for today. The Church is true. Things happen for a reason, and the Lord's timing is always the perfect timing. It's kinda neat to look back in the events of your life and realize how perfectly put together each of those events were that planned you for where you're at right now. At least that's how it is in my life.  Jesus Christ is my Savior. His Church has been restored to the earth today. There is a Prophet on the earth today, and his name is Thomas S. Monson. He leads Christ's Church. I love the peace the Atonement brings, and the opportunity I'm given each day to testify of it's reality.

I love y'all! Talk to you next week!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hey Everyone.

Brace yourself.. This has been a crazy week... Well... More like weekEND... 

Well... First off, Elder Berlin, who I came to Arkansas with on the plane, and have been serving here in Hot Springs with for the past 6 months went home on Saturday... Not because he was stupid, but because something happened to his back and he doesn't know what, but it's preventing him from being able to do anything so for the past two weeks he's been sleeping because he's been on pain medication... So... LAME!!!! Now we have a new Elder, which is fine... It's just weird when unexpected changes occur... And this weekend has been FULL of them..

Next unexpected event was a phone call we got telling us that there was a funeral happening at the Church this last Saturday and we needed to make the program, sing a song in it and on of the Elders was giving a talk... None of us knew the lady who died, so that made it super weird because we thought we were doing the Bishopric's job... We were so confused the whole time. The lady who passed away has been less active for the past 20 years and I'd never met her, but the Elders went to give her a blessing two weeks ago... So.. That funeral was soooo sad!! Most everyone there was Baptist, and I'm sure that they were even more sad because they thought that she had doomed herself by joining our Church... Everyone there was crying and miserable, and I was so uncomfortable. I never want to be at a funeral like that again... Yes death is sad, but it's still full of hope. Those family members are going to see this lady again, but they just dont seem to get it... ugh. At least Elder Willmore gave a great talk.. I think it was the best, most spirit filled event of the afternoon.

So... Then after that we had lunch at a member's home. It's actually the member that gave me the pair of heels... Well.. She gave me 3 more pairs of shoes that she already had but didn't like.. haha. They're all the same style, just different colors. So that was a bonus and not part of the craziness of the weekend.

But worst of all was Saturday night. A member called us when we were with the Elders at about 8:00pm and told us that Sherry Hardin was in the hospital and she needed a blessing NOW!!! Sherry is a LA that we've been visiting every week for the past 5 months and teaching her the missionary lessons because she's too sick to come to Church. We've basically been doing our best at bringing Church to her.. So... We all book it over to the Hospital because we're ALL really close to her. We found her room and she was asleep and we tried to wake her up but we couldn't.. I guess she was under a lot of pain medication... It was soooo sad.... The Elders gave her a blessing though, while she was still asleep and it said that even though she was asleep that she'd feel the blessing in her heart. She was assured that the Lord is aware of her and that she'll have comfort and peace. It also assured her of the love that us as missionaries have for her. She's become an adopted mother to us all... We hung around for a minute after the blessing and left. Two hours later we get a phone call telling us that she had passed away.... It was the most devastating phone call of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so upset because just last Thursday we were at her home and everything was normal! She's only 56, but her kidneys had failed 6 years ago and has been on dialysis ever since.. I guess her lungs couldn't get enough oxygen and that was the cause.. Her heart just stopped and it was only 45 minutes after we had left the hospital. So we were the last ones to see her... Which was kind of comforting.. We know that she's finally free from pain though. I'm so thankful for my testimony of the plan of salvation. As empty as Thursdays are going to feel now, I know she's happier and that I'll see her again... Unfortunately her daughter doesn't want to have a funeral for her, so we're going out with her Visiting teacher to have our own little memorial on Thursday... 

This weekend has been so full of death... I dont like it... So with all these events, I know that nothing can happen for the rest of my mission that will be more emotionally draining than this... I'm thankful for the gospel, and for the hope it provides. Comfort really is granted when you ask for it, and it's all because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He is there for us in everything. I know it because He has been here for me this weekend... 

I love all of you. Thank you for your prayers and support. I need it, and have been blessed because of it. The Church is true.

-Sister Dyer

Visiting Sherry in the hospital

Clearly she was a fun lady. How could we not love her??

Miss you Sherry...

Monday, April 20, 2009


Okay... So first off.... IAN!!!!!!! WTC?!?!?!?!?!?! No DYING when your Sister is on a MISSION!!!!!!!!!!! I mean... Its a cool story and all, but seriously... that was scary!!! So you kinda deserved that concussion... hahaha... You live and you learn right?

Anywho... This has been a fantastic week. I got the package from my family!!!!! And I've decided that aside from being a dufus sometimes, Ian really is quite the stud. The little ukulele song was AMAZING, and the Elders here loved it too. I hope you dont mind, but I'm bragging on you a lot lately. hahaha... It was good to hear Mom and Dad's voice too. But in about 3 weeks I'll be on the phone with y'all anyways, so... WOOT!!! haha.. Also... the chips and Wunderbars were greatly appreciated by all. Sis Costley borderline worshiped them. hahaha...

So. This last week we taught SOOO many less actives, and the fruits of our labors were apparent at Church yesterday because there were SOOO many of our less actives and the Elders has a whole bunch of theirs there too. It was amazing. We were all on cloud 9 during Sacrament meeting. With all of these LA's we just seem to be running into them. We're aware that we have to find them, but we just run into them in the most random situations. Like one of them was a clerk at a gas station we went to and she told us she was a member and that she wanted to come to church and we were just dumbfounded!!! haha!! So. We're definitely doing some good here.

Also.. The mission as a whole is doing amazing!!!! last year the mission got just under 300 baptisms for 2008, but this year the mission is already at 128 baptisms and it's only April!! All the missionaries have stepped up their game in a major way!!! I'm excited to be here to see all this, and Sis Costley and I are desperately wanting to be a part of the baptisms, so we're working our hardest getting referrals from the less actives we're working with.  The Elders told me.. Go big THEN go home. That's my motto. haha...

So. Like I said. This has been a fantastic week, and this one's looking good too. The weather is going to be perfect this week too, so I'm not even upset that it's our walk week.

This last transfer of mine starts today. So this is the beginning of my most productive transfer yet! WOOT!!!! I'm so glad that Sis Costley and I are staying together too. We're the only Sisters NOT getting transferred, so that makes me happy. 

The Church is SOOO true. I love sharing it, and my testimony definitely increases as I bear my testimony. The same goes for all. Keep up the wonderful work, and remember that I love you!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Hello Everyone.

I double checked and I typed the address correctly this time. So you dont have to worry about me this week.

This has been a crazy week, and a lot has happened. The most exciting of which was a repeat of this time last year.... THERE WAS A TORNADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But dont get upset or worried because we're okay and we didn't even lose power. We just got a frantic call from our District leader telling us that there's a tornado coming and to gather what we need so that we can huddle in the bathtub. hahaha... So when we got that information, the crazy lightning outside made a bit more sense. So we stayed in the bathroom for about 30 minutes listening to our radio and hearing them describing the areas that were in danger, and it was all only 5 minutes away from us. haha.. Kind of exciting... But yeah. It's all over now, and we really didn't have any effects from it. That is something I will not miss. Tornados are terrifying.

Spirituality wise though, this was an incredible week. Being that it's Easter, every lesson we taught was focused on the Savior and His Atonement. So because of that, I felt more peace through the Spirit than I have in a long time. I realized that the more we testify of the Savior over and over, it changes your countenance and the way you think. I was really basking in it. Then the talks that were given yesterday in Church were fantastic. I really appreciated this whole Easter Season.  The Easter Bunny even stopped at other people's houses for us. haha... I think this has been one of my most memorable Easter's.

Earlier on in the week, Sis Costley and I were discussing how we can help the less actives here in the area. We've been really focusing on them and getting them reactivated, but we haven't figured out a way to do that. But one morning it dawned on us. We just need to tell them why we're there. Flat out say, "we're here to invite you to come back to Church. We want to come over and share messages with you to bring the Spirit back into you're lives and ultimately help you qualify for a temple recommend so that you can have an Eternal Family." It's pretty intense!! When we thought of this we were both just like... DUH!!!!! Because we have been visiting people but it's been so awkward because we've been trying to be their friends and we've been afraid or something to tell them what we're really doing at their home, but once we decided to just tell them, the response has been really positive. So. The lesson we learned, it to be upfront in every interaction. Tell them your purpose so there's no question. And if you really have the Spirit with you, they wont be offended at your boldness. It's terrifying though. haha. We sit in these people's living rooms and tell them that they need to come back to Church and brace yourself for the response... But so far so good. I like it this way. The anxiety of it all makes it fun. haha...

So... That's basically been our whole week. Testimonies of the Savior, and beginning to bring people back home. I've really enjoyed it.

Now we're off to Little Rock for a Sister's Day that Sis Drewes organized. She's the Mission President's wife. So all 10 of the Sisters in the mission are gathering at the mission home for a brunch thinger and then we're doings stuff together. So I'm excited to see all the people that I've served with today. It's going to be a blast. I can already tell.

Have a fabulous week everyone. This is a beautiful time of year, so enjoy it. And dont get too anxious about me coming home. I'll be there eventually. I'm in no rush. hahaha.. Love y'all.

-Sister Dyer

Monday, April 6, 2009

This is LAST WEEKS email

Okay... Sorry everyone. I didn't type Dad's email address correctly.. So this is last weeks email... Enjoy!

Well.. Happy Birthday Church. April 6 is a special day. So. Take some time and reflect.

This week. Good things happened. Funny things too. haha. So. On Wednesday we decided to do something that was uncomfortable, and so we decided to go downtown to do some contacting there. Contacting people on the street is the most AWKWARD thing ever!!! Here we are walking down busy streets, and trying to stop people in the middle of their walk to where ever they're going and we try to teach them the Restoration in a minute. haha... Gong show. So while we are walking, Sister Costley and I are contantly trying to egg each other on and it's funny to see how we each react to the most awkward situations ever. haha.. But it's fun and it makes good memories. Thankfully, we dont have to do that every day but we've decided it needs to be done every once and a while, just to keep us on our toes. Good times.

Also... WHAT THE LAME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!! You weren't supposed to find out that I was coming home on June 2 until Mother's Day!!! I had this great plan all figured out. I wasn't gonna tell you when I was coming, home and so far I've been doing really good at keeping my mouth shut. I've known for a long time. So I was gonna tell you on the phone when I talked to you in May.. SURPRISE!!! I'm coming home 3 weeks before you thought I was!!!! haha... Oh man.. When I played the event over in my head, it was hilarious... I'm sad that I dont get to live through my ingenious idea... haha... But yes... The truth is out.. I'm coming home the day before my birthday... Take that Clarke! You get married the day before my birthday, I come home on your anniversary. hahahaha. Oh the sweet revenge. hahaha...

So... Anywho... The other awesome event of this week was of course General Conference. I LOVE HEARING FROM THE PROPHET AND APOSTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have such an incredibly strong spirit, and I think that I payed better attention this time than I ever have in my life! But it was so good!!! Everybody talked about enduring through trials and adversity, and assured us that as we live worthily, that we'll come out on top, and that we'll be able to have the eternal life that we all hope for. I love the gospel. I know it's true more than anything. I love sharing the Gospel and seeing it bless the lives of the people I've come to love here. So. Share the gospel with everyone. Seek to have the Spirit, and by doing so, the Lord will make you an instrument in the hands of the Lord. Love y'all. The Church is true.. without a doubt.

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Monday

Hello everyone,

So I realize this is a difficult week as Great Grandma passed away, and I know it's still a sensitive subject. But I just want to bear testimony and let everyone know that she is happy, and that she's with Grandpa Thom and they had the most joyous reunion in history. So. Everything happens for a purpose and I know that Heavenly Father is aware of each and every one of us and that as we turn to Him in prayer, the comfort we need will come. I love Grandma Thom, and am thankful for the example that she has been to me of love and strength. So take all the good memories you have of her and remember that she's still with us in Spirit. There is a plan in place for her, and Heavenly Father will see that she's taken care of. We will see her again. I promise you that.

Okay... Lets move on to happy things that will make you laugh. Like BIRTHDAYS!!!! Happy Birthday today Boys!!! I cant believe the triplets are already 11!!! WOOT!!! They're growing up to be some major studs. haha. So have the best birthday ever... Well... It cant be the best birthday ever because I'm not there. haha.. So next year will be better. haha..

Also.. IAN'S TURNING 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that's WAY more weird than the triplets being 11. Ian's legal now. So dont do anything stupid!.. haha.. The best way to avoid stupidity is to prepare for a mission... to Japan... haha. So. Ian. Get a good job and work your butt of and forget about girls because they'll just mess you up before you leave. hahaha... I think I give the best advise ever. Of course I do. I'm the best big sister ever. haha...

Also... So there's this lady in the ward that's in her mid 50's and has an obsession with high heels... so every Sunday at Church I gawk at her amazing shoes and try not to lust after them... ahha... Well last week she told me at Church that she has a present for me and showed me these amazing heels... that she had bought for me... hahahahaha.. So pretty much she's become my favorite in the Ward. hahahahahahaha... I love being a missionary...

This week has been interesting because it was our walk week.. So everywhere we went, we needed to find rides. I'm thankful we only have one walk week a month. But this week seemed to work out better than most. We taught a bunch of people that we met last week, and got the fellowshipping thing done right away with the members.

Also... The Elders and us decided that we needed to help motivate eachother... So we wrote songs for eachother... hahaha... We used the tune of Disney songs and the words we came up with were priceless. hahaha.. So the song the Elders wrote for us is now our ring tone. I'll try to get lyrics and email them at some point. haha..

Anywho... Everything is smooth sailing here. I hope the same goes for everyone at home. Enjoy life. That's what we're here for. I love y'all so much. Keep the faith, and be happy. The Church is true.

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hey Everyone!

Oh man.. This week has been crazy!!! We've been so busy because Sis Costley is a genious and figured out a way we can map everyone out without taking hours and hours. So we got all these potential investigators mapped out that other missionaries have found and we've just been stopping by to see if they're interested or not. So far so good! We've been contacting a lot of them and really cleaning up the area. It's amazing. I've never been this productive in my life. I love it. So because of our efforts this last week, this upcoming week is going to be even better! We were able to set up a bunch of appointments so we're gonna be the best kind of busy this next week. In and out of appointments all day. WOOT!

Also guess what?! This part is mostly for Clarke, but also for all those who appreciate it. The Elders here just started teaching a new family that are so cool. They totally dont fit in the ward, but they're the kind of people that bring me the most joy seeing at Church. They're COVERED in tattoos, have piercings everywhere. It's kinda funny. Those are people I'm used to seeing at concerts. But then the Elders told me something about them that made everything make sense! The Dad of the family is a Roadie for Flogging Molly!!!!!!!!!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh man. So awesome. So this guy told one of the Elders that they're gonna be in Utah where he's from in a few months after he's home so he's totally hooking him up with backstage passes. haha.. So I wonder if he can do the same thing for me next time they're in Edmonton... hahaha... The things we as missionaries run into...

So yeah. This week has been exciting. This next week is going to be a walk week, so we always rely heavily on the members for rides, which is perfect because we have a lot of appointments we need members to come with us to. haha. I'm excited. We have Zone Conference tomorrow in Little Rock, so that will be fun too. Things are doing so much better in Hot Springs. I've discovered why I'm still here in Hot Springs too. Apparently, I have a reputation among the Sisters in the Mission, even the ones in Tennessee, that I work really well with the members. President even talks to them about me. haha.. I like being trusted. It's the best thing ever. So I'm still here in Hot Springs to help the Ward out in being unified and everything that comes a long with it. Those types of challenges are my favorite. So. As Elder Wirthlin said... Come what may and Love it!!! haha... The Church is SO TRUE!!! I'm so thankful for my wonderful family that helped me become who am today so I can be WHERE I am today to. This is the best time of my life. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy RS Birthday

Hello All

So. Transfers. I know y'all are way excited to hear about it. Here's what happened. I'm not training, but I think that worked out for the better. Well... It definitely did. I have an INCREDIBLE new companion who's name is Sis Costley and she's from Phoenix, AR. The only way I can describe her is if you took me and Randi, and put us together. Then you'd get Sis Costley. Basically that means she's the coolest person ever and loves to do just as many random things that I like to do. Man.. We've already decided that we're going to tear it up this transfer and it's gonna be the best one ever. We're an awesome team. And we've only been together since Wednesday. hahaha... I found out that she' lived in Calgary for a the Winter semester of '07. Which means that she moved out of Calgary around the time I moved to Banff. We missed eachother by only a few days! She can't remember what the name of her Single's ward was, but she said it was in the Calgary West Stake... Which was my Banff Stake. haha.. Small world. She lived there to do an internship with Global news to finish off her Broadcasting degree from BYU-Idaho. Pretty cool man... She lived with "Joe Sports" and his family. Since I'm not from Calgary though, I have no idea who Joe Sports is. All I know is that he was the Sports broadcaster for Global and he died around the time she was living there...sad.. But yeah.. Such crazy connections!!! 

Also... Sister Costley was transferred here from Germantown, TN so I had to wait 8 hours at the mission office for her to get to Arkansas... It was a long wait.. But Sis Davis was waiting with me because her companion came from Tennessee too. So Sis Davis and I had 8 hours to catch up! haha. It was great!!! She's been serving in Cabot for the last 7 months so she was updating me on all the stuff that's happened there. She told me something that really meant a lot to me. Remember the Kassner family that I was teaching there?? Well... Basically when we were teaching them, the told us that they weren't interested and they had joined another Church... Then Cabot was closed and I was transferred to Maumelle, and I find out later that the whole Kassner family got baptized! So I was really excited about that, but still kinda frustrated because I was bitter about my experience in Cabot... But Sis Davis told me something I never knew. That day that the Kassner family told us they weren't interested, Sis Blake and I were heartbroken and cried on their couch... But I guess Bro Kassner tells everyone that if it hadn't have been for us reacting that way, they never would have understood the importance of the gospel. So that was what got them to really be serious about it later on. So now here they are in Cabot, prolly one of the most missionary minded families ever, and Sis Kassner is pregnant again!!! WOOT!!! By the time the baby is born, they will have already gone to the temple to be sealed so this family will be born under the covenant. So awesome.. So I learned that my time in Cabot really wasn't a waste. I did some good.

So. That's the exciting news of the week. Things here in Hot Springs are going really well. We have a lot of work to do. Seriously.. This place has done a complete turn around and with Sis Costley and I together, we're only gonna make it better. haha... I'm loving the missionary life right now. This is incredible. The Church really is true and I'm happy!!! WOOT!!!!!!!

Keep it real eh. haha... 

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 9, 2009


Okay... So last week I dont know what I was thinking and I forgot to tell you the most important thing that happened all week!!!!!!! Yeesh... I was mad at myself...

So... Once or twice a year the mission has a General Authority come to the mission to train us and whatnot. So we had one of these the week before last. It's always a huge deal about who comes because it's always from the 1st or 2nd quorum of the seventy. We were honored this time to have Elder Richard G. Hinckley come to visit our mission and talk to us about how we're doing and it was amazing!!!! He talked to us for the whole morning, and told us some really great stories about when he was a Mission President and how his mission was one of the ones being used to test out Preach My Gospel. And he told us a few stories about his life and he mentioned "his father" every once and a while. It blew my mind to think that his father was a Prophet.. but not just A Prophet... but MY Prophet. I've claimed Gordon B. Hinckley as my own. haha.. But that's because he was the Prophet all throughout my youth and when I really gained a testimony of a living Prophet today, President Hinckley was the one! Oh man... It was wonderful. Afterwards, we had a lunch at the Church for all the missionaries, so all of us Sisters gathered together at one table as always to eat together, and Elder Hinckley and his wife came up to our table and they sat with us, so we had an opportunity to have a real conversation with him too. It was amazing. Elder Hinckley is a great man, and I'm am SOOO thankful to have been able to be strengthened by his counsel and testimony. Being a missionary is wonderful. It has great benefits.

So... That's what I forgot to tell you last week. Now this week.

Transfers... Well... I'm staying in Hot Springs. Sis Kiser is not. I think that's a pretty weird change considering that I've been here longer, but I'm okay with it. Hot Springs has grown on me, and I'm excited to continue teaching Betty as well as a few other investigators that we're working with closely. So we wont find out who I'm getting or where Sis Kiser is going until Wednesday, but I have an idea... Sis Rothe is going home on Tuesday, meaning that Sis Davis is companionless in Cabot. So my thought is that Sis Kiser will go to Cabot to be with Sis Davis and I'll be getting another greenie!!! That's what I THINK is gonna happen, but we'll see how accurate that is. I'll let you know next week. I really love training though, and I think that would be one of the best ways to end my mission. So. That's transfers. Keep sending mail to Hot Springs everyone!!! (HINT HINT HINT!!!!)

Oh and just some clarification. There are actually 10 Sisters in the mission and 5 areas. 3 in Arkansas and 2 in the Memphis area. So I've been in all the Arkansas areas already... Which is perfect. I'm in the ARKANSAS mission, so I'd like to stay in ARKANSAS... haha... But speaking of Memphis... The Temple. Even though I haven't gone to the Memphis temple yet, Pres Drewes always takes the missionaries to the temple the day before they go home. So I'll at least be able to go once on my mission.

And Dad. Elder Brawley is back! We saw eachother at our Zone Conference and he said he thinks his cousin ate at my parents home... So I told him the rumor was true. haha. But Elder Brawley is doing a lot better.

So.. that's the news I have this week. Everything is peachy... And hot.... freaking 80 degrees.. That's so wrong.... I'm wearing tshirts in March... haha... Enjoy the snow for me okay?? I HEART CANADA!!!! hahahaha...

THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 2, 2009


TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... but when I
got the letters from Mom and Dad explaining the situation with Grandma
Olive and her new pacemaker, and Grandma Dyer with her opposite heart
problem, and Uncle Dave with his torn Achilles Tendon... I did more
laughing than anything. But I think thats because BOT mom and dad were
joking about it too!!! Here's Dad telling me all about how Grandpa said
that Grandma needed a pacemaker and once the diagnosis was given, how
grandpa was all proud and all they needed now was an "installer"... My
family has the WEIRDEST sense of humor ever!!! I love it!! haha.. So
thank you for that because it helps me freak out less...

Also... So Uncle Dave... I'm apparently a year ahead of myself because I
thought you turned 50 last year.. WOOPS!! Oh man... Sometimes I'm right
and sometimes I'm wrong... This time I was wrong. But I still know how
old my Dad is, so I get credit for that right?! haha.. 

But I'm glad to hear that everybody is doing better and that nobody is
dead. That's happy news.

Also. Question! How in the world did Jeremy Mo end up in Australia
baptizing a girl he's gonna marry??? I'm so confused... hahaha.. But
clarification would be appreciated.

Now. On to me. This week we didn't have a car... So... We had a LOT of
planning and organizing we needed to do this last week, so we spent a
lot of time doing that... We spent too much time in our apartment,
because I was getting stir crazy... But all the stuff we did is gonna
help us be more productive this week... Hey... This week is the last
week of the transfer. If I get transferred I'll find out on Sunday
night, but you wont know until 8 days after that where I ended up. All I
can tell you next Monday is if I'm getting moved or not. So. Just the
heads up. So yeah. We did a lot of planning this week. Sis Kiser is a
lot more organized than me so.. I was learning a lot about planning, but
I was also struggling with being patient. I've always been a "lets just
go and do it" type of person, but she's just the opposite. She's been a
goal setter her whole life. But I think we're finally starting to be
able to sort of understand eachother and balance out. That's happy. One
thing that I've learned on my mission. Goal setting is okay. It's what
grown ups are supposed to do. haha..

Oh and hey. We set a baptismal date with Betty this week! That was
exciting. She agreed to it, but it totally took me off guard. But after
discussing what had just happened with Sis Kiser, we concluded that she
knows its true in her head, but she doesn't know in her heart yet. So
that's our goal. We're gonna leave her with commitments to do what she
needs to do to know it in her heart. And hopefully at the end of the
month, on the 28th, she'll be baptized! WOOT! The trick is... getting
her husband's permission... haha.. He's not our biggest fan.. But we'll
deal with that later... haha.. Oh man.. I love missionary work. The
devil tries so hard to work against us, but it doesn't work. We've got
more power. We've got the spirit. :)

So... That's the exciting news of this week. Hope everyone enjoyed their
week, and that everything is great. Stay warm in the great white north,
and I'll try to keep up with the weather here. It's so confusing
sometimes... hahaha... 


THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, February 23, 2009

Woot!!! Li-berry is open!!!

So exciting news!.... Well... Kind of... 








hahaha... okay... 


!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha.... Oh man... That was the best thing ever!
almost 3 months later, and it's finally complete. Now we get to see how
much she really wants to learn because she said she can only concentrate
on one thing at a time. Now she's gonna concentrate on letting us teach
her because she's got nothing else on her mind. This will be
interesting. She's already been to Church 5 times.. but the problem is
that last time she told us she hates it... because it's boring... which
I think is lame. She's used to loud, guitar filled, preacher sweating,
type Baptist Churches... The way she describes her church is the way I
describe concerts... She enjoys them because they make her excited...
aka... they fill her with adrenalin.. We've already discussed all this
with her. We're very to the point. haha.. So she doesn't get that at our
church and she doesn't get how the Spirit is quiet and how you have to
be reverent to really hear what it's telling you. So.. This is our
quest... To help her understand what the Spirit REALLY feels like. 

Also. Dad asked if Whole Hog is my equivelant to Clarke's Betos...
Well.. Its a toss up.. because the Bagel place in Maumelle is forever
going to have a piece of my heart. hahaha... So... I have a couple
"Beto's".. haha..

And with the missionary credit card dealeo. Yes we get one. That is how
we get our funds for the month. It works out nicely. They refill it at
the beginning of each month. It's not very much, but it helps. I got my
replacement card in the mail this week though so we're back to normal.

Yeah... So that was mostly the highlight... Nothing too exciting to
report on. The Church is still true though. That's never gonna change. I
love y'all lots. WOOT!!!

-Sister Dyer

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm LATE!!!

Oh man... Monday p-days have thrown us all out of whack. It makes
holiday day's really hard because the li-berry is closed... So today
since I didn't want to wait any longer to email, we came over to a
members home. So that's where I am right now. Thank you awesome members.
WOOT! But boo urns to President's day making the li-berry closed and
delaying my email time!!! Tomorrow we dont have any time to email
either, so that's another reason we're doing it tonight. Busy busy day

So. Now onto important stuff. Allison Bretzky is going to Taiwan!!!!!
WOOT!!!!! That's so awesome!!! But really scary.. That's across the
world... Kinda close to Burgess in Korea!!! Hey that's kinda neat. Oh
Sister Missionaries.. The world wouldn't be nearly as good without
them... haha...

And speaking of missionaries. Jonathan Harline was mentioned in my last
letter from Dad. So just an FYI. We've actually written eachother a few
letters and I got one from him not too long ago! He's a Branch President
in Albania somewhere.. He's incharge of all three members there.
hahaha... But it's still a big job. It's kinda cray to see how different
each area is for different missions. 

Also.. Another comment for Dad about a coming home BBQ for me. I'll have
you know that the BBQ you had for your birthday is NOT a Southern BBQ..
Go to www.wholehogcafe.com to see what a real southern BBQ is. We ate
lunch there today and it was delicious... Rediculously delicious. These
people know what they're doing! haha! So if you can figure out how to
replicate that for when I come home... be my guest!!! Southern BBQ needs
to be introduced to Canada!!!!!!

And guess what? My life as a missionary is never uneventful. We got a
call from the mission office secretary saying that someone hacked into
the JP Morgan bank system and as a result 82 missionary credit cards got
cut off... Mine being one of them. So this week... The home account has
been put to use. Just the heads up. 

Happy Valentine's Day too by the way. We had an awesome day. We made
cookies for some people and then we doorbell ditched some gifts to a
family in the ward. Pretty much hilarious. We tag teamed with the Elders
so they were voluteered to be the runners and they almost got caught.
SOOO funny... 

We had a couple investigators come to church this week too. That was
really exciting. One of them just kinda showed up! He works on a boat in
the gulf of Mexico for 2 months at a time and we didn't know he was back
home yet, until he called us the day before to ask when church was. He
loved it!! Unfortunately he's leaving again on Wednesday, but we're
gonna teach him again tomorrow. He reads a lot when he's away and we
call him every once and a while to see how he's doing and answer
questions. If he wasn't away so much, he'd prolly already be baptized..
But it's going how the Lord needs it to go I suppose..

Oh yeah. The pictures of Uncle Dave and Auntie Jo and the triplets!
Gavin's pink hair is AWESOME!!! It brought me back to the good ol days
of my pink hair phase... but that really didn't have a good cause behind
it. I just did it. hahahaha...

So yeah. No drive by shootings this week. Thank goodness. haha. We have
a busy week this week and I'm looking forward to it. I love y'all! Thank
you for your prayers and support. Things are blossoming here slowly. My
patience is being tested but what better way to grow it eh? hahaha... 
The Church is true though. Never forget it.

-Sister Dyer

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hey everyone.

So this week... Very interesting... but first things first!!!

Dad... So that little Captain Moroni action figure... Totally came from
me. hahahahaha... I randomly bought it one day and I kept it in my car
as a reminder to ME to be better and more faithful. Its kinda funny how
we think exactly the same. I'm glad it's giving you more missionary
opportunities. It's exciting to hear about them. hahaha... So funny how
everything comes full circle...

and also... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you
lots. You're the best old man EVER!!! haha...

Also... Random story... Forewarning... DONT FREAK OUT ON ME
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!.... Well... The Elders were at an appointment... and
they left 10 mintues late.. They come back to their home only to find a
bunch of police there... Apparently 10 minutes before they got home,
which was when they were actually supposed to get home, there was a
drive by shooting in their parking lot... CRAZY!!!! the car that parks
next to them totally has this big ol bullet  hole in it. haha... Kinda
funny... but definitely terrifying. So... Pray extra hard that we'll be
safe. I'm pretty sure the Lord will make it happen though. He protected
the Elders pretty well.

This week has been full of a lot of drama though. The Bishop in his
efforts to revamp everything is going on override mode and trying to
redo everything the ward mission leader has set in place... So now that
the WML is out of town for 3 weeks, the Bishop is implementing
everything he wants to without letting the WML know.. so the mission
president and the stake president are trying to help him be more
realistic... It's quite interesting being caught in the middle of all
this... Definitely not recommended. But at the same time... Keeps things
interesting!! haha...

Yeah.. We had a lot of appointments fall through this week, but on the
same note, we found this awesome new investigator from a Part member
family. I'm excited to teach them because they have a brand new baby
girl. WOOT!!! haha...

But yeah... I dont really have much more updates... I love y'all and I'm
thankful for your prayers. I need them. Remember. The Church is true!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day

So... Groundhog day is kinda pointless when you dont get to find out
what happened... haha... But whatever.. It's not like I've really
experienced a winter here anyways. Crazy Arkansas NOT cold weather...

Anywho... So.. This week has been a pretty significant week in the ward.
It's pretty interesting because the ward seems to have done a complete
360 since I got here 3 months ago. I first got here, and felt totally
unwelcome and didn't really see much of a motive on anyone's part to do
missionary work, so I didn't really know how to handle that. But as I
continued to work and time progressed, the Bishop seemed to be
experiencing some pretty significant spiritual changes of heart. A
couple weeks ago he spoke in Sacrament meeting and told of how he had a
terrifying vision of the way the ward members were heading, and he said
he was shown through the spirit, who was in danger of not achieving
their full potential by reaching the Celestial Kingdom. So now he's gone
into this incredible "the ward's attitude has GOT to change NOW"
mentality and the Ward is responding to it so well. We as missionaries
are being given assignments that are helping the members of the ward be
strengthened, and recent converts are getting serious about preparing
for the temple and all in all, the whole ward is changing for the
better. I think a significant contribution was this new Tongan family
that moved in from California. They have 10 kids and the Dad is a former
Bishop. Our Bishop said he had been praying for a long time to be able
to know how to meet the needs of the members and he said that all his
concerns were answered with this one family. haha. They're a huge
strength to the Ward already. And it seems like within the last 3 or 4
weeks, the chapel has been busting at the seams because it's been so
full. It's so wonderful to see!!! The spirit is so strong in those
meetings and things are getting done, and all this has happened within
the past 3 months! I'm actually thankful that I've been able to see the
progress of this ward. It's helped me appreciate and love the members
here more and more. This is an exciting process, and I'm thankful for
the spiritual nature of the Bishop and what he is now doing to change
things so that they are the way they need to be.

Also, on Saturday there was a ward temple trip in which 20 or so members
of the ward all came together and made arrangements to be able to make
the trip to Memphis. Three of the members of our ward went through the
temple for the first time, and two of them, Bro and Sis Enriquez got
sealed. When I saw them yesterday at Church, they were GLOWING!!! They
were so full of love for each other and for the gospel, and it was a
pleasure to be able to see the Spirit so strong within them.. I feel
really close with the Enriquez's because they're been a huge support to
us. They've always been our go to people whenever we're in a pickle.

We're also teaching this less active couple that just got married last
Saturday, because they want so bad to be active and worthy. They're
definitely something else... they have their struggles and trials to
overcome, but their desire is sincere.

There are incredible things happening with the ward here. I'm so
thankful to be a part of it and to feel the support of the Lord in
bringing everything to pass. The Church is so true. Heavenly Father
provides ways for everything to be accomplished, and it is so apparent
in Hot Springs. 

Love y'all. Happy February.

-Sister Dyer