Monday, February 23, 2009

Woot!!! Li-berry is open!!!

So exciting news!.... Well... Kind of... 








hahaha... okay... 


!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha.... Oh man... That was the best thing ever!
almost 3 months later, and it's finally complete. Now we get to see how
much she really wants to learn because she said she can only concentrate
on one thing at a time. Now she's gonna concentrate on letting us teach
her because she's got nothing else on her mind. This will be
interesting. She's already been to Church 5 times.. but the problem is
that last time she told us she hates it... because it's boring... which
I think is lame. She's used to loud, guitar filled, preacher sweating,
type Baptist Churches... The way she describes her church is the way I
describe concerts... She enjoys them because they make her excited...
aka... they fill her with adrenalin.. We've already discussed all this
with her. We're very to the point. haha.. So she doesn't get that at our
church and she doesn't get how the Spirit is quiet and how you have to
be reverent to really hear what it's telling you. So.. This is our
quest... To help her understand what the Spirit REALLY feels like. 

Also. Dad asked if Whole Hog is my equivelant to Clarke's Betos...
Well.. Its a toss up.. because the Bagel place in Maumelle is forever
going to have a piece of my heart. hahaha... So... I have a couple
"Beto's".. haha..

And with the missionary credit card dealeo. Yes we get one. That is how
we get our funds for the month. It works out nicely. They refill it at
the beginning of each month. It's not very much, but it helps. I got my
replacement card in the mail this week though so we're back to normal.

Yeah... So that was mostly the highlight... Nothing too exciting to
report on. The Church is still true though. That's never gonna change. I
love y'all lots. WOOT!!!

-Sister Dyer

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm LATE!!!

Oh man... Monday p-days have thrown us all out of whack. It makes
holiday day's really hard because the li-berry is closed... So today
since I didn't want to wait any longer to email, we came over to a
members home. So that's where I am right now. Thank you awesome members.
WOOT! But boo urns to President's day making the li-berry closed and
delaying my email time!!! Tomorrow we dont have any time to email
either, so that's another reason we're doing it tonight. Busy busy day

So. Now onto important stuff. Allison Bretzky is going to Taiwan!!!!!
WOOT!!!!! That's so awesome!!! But really scary.. That's across the
world... Kinda close to Burgess in Korea!!! Hey that's kinda neat. Oh
Sister Missionaries.. The world wouldn't be nearly as good without
them... haha...

And speaking of missionaries. Jonathan Harline was mentioned in my last
letter from Dad. So just an FYI. We've actually written eachother a few
letters and I got one from him not too long ago! He's a Branch President
in Albania somewhere.. He's incharge of all three members there.
hahaha... But it's still a big job. It's kinda cray to see how different
each area is for different missions. 

Also.. Another comment for Dad about a coming home BBQ for me. I'll have
you know that the BBQ you had for your birthday is NOT a Southern BBQ..
Go to to see what a real southern BBQ is. We ate
lunch there today and it was delicious... Rediculously delicious. These
people know what they're doing! haha! So if you can figure out how to
replicate that for when I come home... be my guest!!! Southern BBQ needs
to be introduced to Canada!!!!!!

And guess what? My life as a missionary is never uneventful. We got a
call from the mission office secretary saying that someone hacked into
the JP Morgan bank system and as a result 82 missionary credit cards got
cut off... Mine being one of them. So this week... The home account has
been put to use. Just the heads up. 

Happy Valentine's Day too by the way. We had an awesome day. We made
cookies for some people and then we doorbell ditched some gifts to a
family in the ward. Pretty much hilarious. We tag teamed with the Elders
so they were voluteered to be the runners and they almost got caught.
SOOO funny... 

We had a couple investigators come to church this week too. That was
really exciting. One of them just kinda showed up! He works on a boat in
the gulf of Mexico for 2 months at a time and we didn't know he was back
home yet, until he called us the day before to ask when church was. He
loved it!! Unfortunately he's leaving again on Wednesday, but we're
gonna teach him again tomorrow. He reads a lot when he's away and we
call him every once and a while to see how he's doing and answer
questions. If he wasn't away so much, he'd prolly already be baptized..
But it's going how the Lord needs it to go I suppose..

Oh yeah. The pictures of Uncle Dave and Auntie Jo and the triplets!
Gavin's pink hair is AWESOME!!! It brought me back to the good ol days
of my pink hair phase... but that really didn't have a good cause behind
it. I just did it. hahahaha...

So yeah. No drive by shootings this week. Thank goodness. haha. We have
a busy week this week and I'm looking forward to it. I love y'all! Thank
you for your prayers and support. Things are blossoming here slowly. My
patience is being tested but what better way to grow it eh? hahaha... 
The Church is true though. Never forget it.

-Sister Dyer

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hey everyone.

So this week... Very interesting... but first things first!!!

Dad... So that little Captain Moroni action figure... Totally came from
me. hahahahaha... I randomly bought it one day and I kept it in my car
as a reminder to ME to be better and more faithful. Its kinda funny how
we think exactly the same. I'm glad it's giving you more missionary
opportunities. It's exciting to hear about them. hahaha... So funny how
everything comes full circle...

and also... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you
lots. You're the best old man EVER!!! haha...

Also... Random story... Forewarning... DONT FREAK OUT ON ME
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!.... Well... The Elders were at an appointment... and
they left 10 mintues late.. They come back to their home only to find a
bunch of police there... Apparently 10 minutes before they got home,
which was when they were actually supposed to get home, there was a
drive by shooting in their parking lot... CRAZY!!!! the car that parks
next to them totally has this big ol bullet  hole in it. haha... Kinda
funny... but definitely terrifying. So... Pray extra hard that we'll be
safe. I'm pretty sure the Lord will make it happen though. He protected
the Elders pretty well.

This week has been full of a lot of drama though. The Bishop in his
efforts to revamp everything is going on override mode and trying to
redo everything the ward mission leader has set in place... So now that
the WML is out of town for 3 weeks, the Bishop is implementing
everything he wants to without letting the WML know.. so the mission
president and the stake president are trying to help him be more
realistic... It's quite interesting being caught in the middle of all
this... Definitely not recommended. But at the same time... Keeps things
interesting!! haha...

Yeah.. We had a lot of appointments fall through this week, but on the
same note, we found this awesome new investigator from a Part member
family. I'm excited to teach them because they have a brand new baby
girl. WOOT!!! haha...

But yeah... I dont really have much more updates... I love y'all and I'm
thankful for your prayers. I need them. Remember. The Church is true!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day

So... Groundhog day is kinda pointless when you dont get to find out
what happened... haha... But whatever.. It's not like I've really
experienced a winter here anyways. Crazy Arkansas NOT cold weather...

Anywho... So.. This week has been a pretty significant week in the ward.
It's pretty interesting because the ward seems to have done a complete
360 since I got here 3 months ago. I first got here, and felt totally
unwelcome and didn't really see much of a motive on anyone's part to do
missionary work, so I didn't really know how to handle that. But as I
continued to work and time progressed, the Bishop seemed to be
experiencing some pretty significant spiritual changes of heart. A
couple weeks ago he spoke in Sacrament meeting and told of how he had a
terrifying vision of the way the ward members were heading, and he said
he was shown through the spirit, who was in danger of not achieving
their full potential by reaching the Celestial Kingdom. So now he's gone
into this incredible "the ward's attitude has GOT to change NOW"
mentality and the Ward is responding to it so well. We as missionaries
are being given assignments that are helping the members of the ward be
strengthened, and recent converts are getting serious about preparing
for the temple and all in all, the whole ward is changing for the
better. I think a significant contribution was this new Tongan family
that moved in from California. They have 10 kids and the Dad is a former
Bishop. Our Bishop said he had been praying for a long time to be able
to know how to meet the needs of the members and he said that all his
concerns were answered with this one family. haha. They're a huge
strength to the Ward already. And it seems like within the last 3 or 4
weeks, the chapel has been busting at the seams because it's been so
full. It's so wonderful to see!!! The spirit is so strong in those
meetings and things are getting done, and all this has happened within
the past 3 months! I'm actually thankful that I've been able to see the
progress of this ward. It's helped me appreciate and love the members
here more and more. This is an exciting process, and I'm thankful for
the spiritual nature of the Bishop and what he is now doing to change
things so that they are the way they need to be.

Also, on Saturday there was a ward temple trip in which 20 or so members
of the ward all came together and made arrangements to be able to make
the trip to Memphis. Three of the members of our ward went through the
temple for the first time, and two of them, Bro and Sis Enriquez got
sealed. When I saw them yesterday at Church, they were GLOWING!!! They
were so full of love for each other and for the gospel, and it was a
pleasure to be able to see the Spirit so strong within them.. I feel
really close with the Enriquez's because they're been a huge support to
us. They've always been our go to people whenever we're in a pickle.

We're also teaching this less active couple that just got married last
Saturday, because they want so bad to be active and worthy. They're
definitely something else... they have their struggles and trials to
overcome, but their desire is sincere.

There are incredible things happening with the ward here. I'm so
thankful to be a part of it and to feel the support of the Lord in
bringing everything to pass. The Church is so true. Heavenly Father
provides ways for everything to be accomplished, and it is so apparent
in Hot Springs. 

Love y'all. Happy February.

-Sister Dyer