Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Monday

Hello everyone,

So I realize this is a difficult week as Great Grandma passed away, and I know it's still a sensitive subject. But I just want to bear testimony and let everyone know that she is happy, and that she's with Grandpa Thom and they had the most joyous reunion in history. So. Everything happens for a purpose and I know that Heavenly Father is aware of each and every one of us and that as we turn to Him in prayer, the comfort we need will come. I love Grandma Thom, and am thankful for the example that she has been to me of love and strength. So take all the good memories you have of her and remember that she's still with us in Spirit. There is a plan in place for her, and Heavenly Father will see that she's taken care of. We will see her again. I promise you that.

Okay... Lets move on to happy things that will make you laugh. Like BIRTHDAYS!!!! Happy Birthday today Boys!!! I cant believe the triplets are already 11!!! WOOT!!! They're growing up to be some major studs. haha. So have the best birthday ever... Well... It cant be the best birthday ever because I'm not there. haha.. So next year will be better. haha..

Also.. IAN'S TURNING 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that's WAY more weird than the triplets being 11. Ian's legal now. So dont do anything stupid!.. haha.. The best way to avoid stupidity is to prepare for a mission... to Japan... haha. So. Ian. Get a good job and work your butt of and forget about girls because they'll just mess you up before you leave. hahaha... I think I give the best advise ever. Of course I do. I'm the best big sister ever. haha...

Also... So there's this lady in the ward that's in her mid 50's and has an obsession with high heels... so every Sunday at Church I gawk at her amazing shoes and try not to lust after them... ahha... Well last week she told me at Church that she has a present for me and showed me these amazing heels... that she had bought for me... hahahahaha.. So pretty much she's become my favorite in the Ward. hahahahahahaha... I love being a missionary...

This week has been interesting because it was our walk week.. So everywhere we went, we needed to find rides. I'm thankful we only have one walk week a month. But this week seemed to work out better than most. We taught a bunch of people that we met last week, and got the fellowshipping thing done right away with the members.

Also... The Elders and us decided that we needed to help motivate eachother... So we wrote songs for eachother... hahaha... We used the tune of Disney songs and the words we came up with were priceless. hahaha.. So the song the Elders wrote for us is now our ring tone. I'll try to get lyrics and email them at some point. haha..

Anywho... Everything is smooth sailing here. I hope the same goes for everyone at home. Enjoy life. That's what we're here for. I love y'all so much. Keep the faith, and be happy. The Church is true.

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hey Everyone!

Oh man.. This week has been crazy!!! We've been so busy because Sis Costley is a genious and figured out a way we can map everyone out without taking hours and hours. So we got all these potential investigators mapped out that other missionaries have found and we've just been stopping by to see if they're interested or not. So far so good! We've been contacting a lot of them and really cleaning up the area. It's amazing. I've never been this productive in my life. I love it. So because of our efforts this last week, this upcoming week is going to be even better! We were able to set up a bunch of appointments so we're gonna be the best kind of busy this next week. In and out of appointments all day. WOOT!

Also guess what?! This part is mostly for Clarke, but also for all those who appreciate it. The Elders here just started teaching a new family that are so cool. They totally dont fit in the ward, but they're the kind of people that bring me the most joy seeing at Church. They're COVERED in tattoos, have piercings everywhere. It's kinda funny. Those are people I'm used to seeing at concerts. But then the Elders told me something about them that made everything make sense! The Dad of the family is a Roadie for Flogging Molly!!!!!!!!!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh man. So awesome. So this guy told one of the Elders that they're gonna be in Utah where he's from in a few months after he's home so he's totally hooking him up with backstage passes. haha.. So I wonder if he can do the same thing for me next time they're in Edmonton... hahaha... The things we as missionaries run into...

So yeah. This week has been exciting. This next week is going to be a walk week, so we always rely heavily on the members for rides, which is perfect because we have a lot of appointments we need members to come with us to. haha. I'm excited. We have Zone Conference tomorrow in Little Rock, so that will be fun too. Things are doing so much better in Hot Springs. I've discovered why I'm still here in Hot Springs too. Apparently, I have a reputation among the Sisters in the Mission, even the ones in Tennessee, that I work really well with the members. President even talks to them about me. haha.. I like being trusted. It's the best thing ever. So I'm still here in Hot Springs to help the Ward out in being unified and everything that comes a long with it. Those types of challenges are my favorite. So. As Elder Wirthlin said... Come what may and Love it!!! haha... The Church is SO TRUE!!! I'm so thankful for my wonderful family that helped me become who am today so I can be WHERE I am today to. This is the best time of my life. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy RS Birthday

Hello All

So. Transfers. I know y'all are way excited to hear about it. Here's what happened. I'm not training, but I think that worked out for the better. Well... It definitely did. I have an INCREDIBLE new companion who's name is Sis Costley and she's from Phoenix, AR. The only way I can describe her is if you took me and Randi, and put us together. Then you'd get Sis Costley. Basically that means she's the coolest person ever and loves to do just as many random things that I like to do. Man.. We've already decided that we're going to tear it up this transfer and it's gonna be the best one ever. We're an awesome team. And we've only been together since Wednesday. hahaha... I found out that she' lived in Calgary for a the Winter semester of '07. Which means that she moved out of Calgary around the time I moved to Banff. We missed eachother by only a few days! She can't remember what the name of her Single's ward was, but she said it was in the Calgary West Stake... Which was my Banff Stake. haha.. Small world. She lived there to do an internship with Global news to finish off her Broadcasting degree from BYU-Idaho. Pretty cool man... She lived with "Joe Sports" and his family. Since I'm not from Calgary though, I have no idea who Joe Sports is. All I know is that he was the Sports broadcaster for Global and he died around the time she was living there...sad.. But yeah.. Such crazy connections!!! 

Also... Sister Costley was transferred here from Germantown, TN so I had to wait 8 hours at the mission office for her to get to Arkansas... It was a long wait.. But Sis Davis was waiting with me because her companion came from Tennessee too. So Sis Davis and I had 8 hours to catch up! haha. It was great!!! She's been serving in Cabot for the last 7 months so she was updating me on all the stuff that's happened there. She told me something that really meant a lot to me. Remember the Kassner family that I was teaching there?? Well... Basically when we were teaching them, the told us that they weren't interested and they had joined another Church... Then Cabot was closed and I was transferred to Maumelle, and I find out later that the whole Kassner family got baptized! So I was really excited about that, but still kinda frustrated because I was bitter about my experience in Cabot... But Sis Davis told me something I never knew. That day that the Kassner family told us they weren't interested, Sis Blake and I were heartbroken and cried on their couch... But I guess Bro Kassner tells everyone that if it hadn't have been for us reacting that way, they never would have understood the importance of the gospel. So that was what got them to really be serious about it later on. So now here they are in Cabot, prolly one of the most missionary minded families ever, and Sis Kassner is pregnant again!!! WOOT!!! By the time the baby is born, they will have already gone to the temple to be sealed so this family will be born under the covenant. So awesome.. So I learned that my time in Cabot really wasn't a waste. I did some good.

So. That's the exciting news of the week. Things here in Hot Springs are going really well. We have a lot of work to do. Seriously.. This place has done a complete turn around and with Sis Costley and I together, we're only gonna make it better. haha... I'm loving the missionary life right now. This is incredible. The Church really is true and I'm happy!!! WOOT!!!!!!!

Keep it real eh. haha... 

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 9, 2009


Okay... So last week I dont know what I was thinking and I forgot to tell you the most important thing that happened all week!!!!!!! Yeesh... I was mad at myself...

So... Once or twice a year the mission has a General Authority come to the mission to train us and whatnot. So we had one of these the week before last. It's always a huge deal about who comes because it's always from the 1st or 2nd quorum of the seventy. We were honored this time to have Elder Richard G. Hinckley come to visit our mission and talk to us about how we're doing and it was amazing!!!! He talked to us for the whole morning, and told us some really great stories about when he was a Mission President and how his mission was one of the ones being used to test out Preach My Gospel. And he told us a few stories about his life and he mentioned "his father" every once and a while. It blew my mind to think that his father was a Prophet.. but not just A Prophet... but MY Prophet. I've claimed Gordon B. Hinckley as my own. haha.. But that's because he was the Prophet all throughout my youth and when I really gained a testimony of a living Prophet today, President Hinckley was the one! Oh man... It was wonderful. Afterwards, we had a lunch at the Church for all the missionaries, so all of us Sisters gathered together at one table as always to eat together, and Elder Hinckley and his wife came up to our table and they sat with us, so we had an opportunity to have a real conversation with him too. It was amazing. Elder Hinckley is a great man, and I'm am SOOO thankful to have been able to be strengthened by his counsel and testimony. Being a missionary is wonderful. It has great benefits.

So... That's what I forgot to tell you last week. Now this week.

Transfers... Well... I'm staying in Hot Springs. Sis Kiser is not. I think that's a pretty weird change considering that I've been here longer, but I'm okay with it. Hot Springs has grown on me, and I'm excited to continue teaching Betty as well as a few other investigators that we're working with closely. So we wont find out who I'm getting or where Sis Kiser is going until Wednesday, but I have an idea... Sis Rothe is going home on Tuesday, meaning that Sis Davis is companionless in Cabot. So my thought is that Sis Kiser will go to Cabot to be with Sis Davis and I'll be getting another greenie!!! That's what I THINK is gonna happen, but we'll see how accurate that is. I'll let you know next week. I really love training though, and I think that would be one of the best ways to end my mission. So. That's transfers. Keep sending mail to Hot Springs everyone!!! (HINT HINT HINT!!!!)

Oh and just some clarification. There are actually 10 Sisters in the mission and 5 areas. 3 in Arkansas and 2 in the Memphis area. So I've been in all the Arkansas areas already... Which is perfect. I'm in the ARKANSAS mission, so I'd like to stay in ARKANSAS... haha... But speaking of Memphis... The Temple. Even though I haven't gone to the Memphis temple yet, Pres Drewes always takes the missionaries to the temple the day before they go home. So I'll at least be able to go once on my mission.

And Dad. Elder Brawley is back! We saw eachother at our Zone Conference and he said he thinks his cousin ate at my parents home... So I told him the rumor was true. haha. But Elder Brawley is doing a lot better.

So.. that's the news I have this week. Everything is peachy... And hot.... freaking 80 degrees.. That's so wrong.... I'm wearing tshirts in March... haha... Enjoy the snow for me okay?? I HEART CANADA!!!! hahahaha...

THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, March 2, 2009


TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... but when I
got the letters from Mom and Dad explaining the situation with Grandma
Olive and her new pacemaker, and Grandma Dyer with her opposite heart
problem, and Uncle Dave with his torn Achilles Tendon... I did more
laughing than anything. But I think thats because BOT mom and dad were
joking about it too!!! Here's Dad telling me all about how Grandpa said
that Grandma needed a pacemaker and once the diagnosis was given, how
grandpa was all proud and all they needed now was an "installer"... My
family has the WEIRDEST sense of humor ever!!! I love it!! haha.. So
thank you for that because it helps me freak out less...

Also... So Uncle Dave... I'm apparently a year ahead of myself because I
thought you turned 50 last year.. WOOPS!! Oh man... Sometimes I'm right
and sometimes I'm wrong... This time I was wrong. But I still know how
old my Dad is, so I get credit for that right?! haha.. 

But I'm glad to hear that everybody is doing better and that nobody is
dead. That's happy news.

Also. Question! How in the world did Jeremy Mo end up in Australia
baptizing a girl he's gonna marry??? I'm so confused... hahaha.. But
clarification would be appreciated.

Now. On to me. This week we didn't have a car... So... We had a LOT of
planning and organizing we needed to do this last week, so we spent a
lot of time doing that... We spent too much time in our apartment,
because I was getting stir crazy... But all the stuff we did is gonna
help us be more productive this week... Hey... This week is the last
week of the transfer. If I get transferred I'll find out on Sunday
night, but you wont know until 8 days after that where I ended up. All I
can tell you next Monday is if I'm getting moved or not. So. Just the
heads up. So yeah. We did a lot of planning this week. Sis Kiser is a
lot more organized than me so.. I was learning a lot about planning, but
I was also struggling with being patient. I've always been a "lets just
go and do it" type of person, but she's just the opposite. She's been a
goal setter her whole life. But I think we're finally starting to be
able to sort of understand eachother and balance out. That's happy. One
thing that I've learned on my mission. Goal setting is okay. It's what
grown ups are supposed to do. haha..

Oh and hey. We set a baptismal date with Betty this week! That was
exciting. She agreed to it, but it totally took me off guard. But after
discussing what had just happened with Sis Kiser, we concluded that she
knows its true in her head, but she doesn't know in her heart yet. So
that's our goal. We're gonna leave her with commitments to do what she
needs to do to know it in her heart. And hopefully at the end of the
month, on the 28th, she'll be baptized! WOOT! The trick is... getting
her husband's permission... haha.. He's not our biggest fan.. But we'll
deal with that later... haha.. Oh man.. I love missionary work. The
devil tries so hard to work against us, but it doesn't work. We've got
more power. We've got the spirit. :)

So... That's the exciting news of this week. Hope everyone enjoyed their
week, and that everything is great. Stay warm in the great white north,
and I'll try to keep up with the weather here. It's so confusing
sometimes... hahaha... 


THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Sister Dyer