Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy almost February.... ugh...

!!!!.... This whole time thing... I dont know if I'm a fan or not.. It's
been crazy how fast everything is going by... yeesh... Anyways... This
has been an interesting week. One of the Elders we serve with in the
Ward here is going home tomorrow, and he's been SOOOO TRUNKY this whole
week... It's been brutal for everyone... He's making us all trunky by
default, so I'm actually kinda glad he's gone... haha... Is that

Also.. Dad, I keep on forgetting to tell you. YES there are Senior
Sister missionary companionships. I think there's maybe only 2 or 3
companionships like that in the whole mission, but they stay in the same
area their whole time, and usually with the same companion, unless
they're serving for different amounts of time. But the Senior Sisters
are all retired and either never married or widowed. So.. Hope that
answers that.

President made a surprise pit stop in Hot Springs too. He talked to Sis
Kiser and I, and that was cool. I love President. He makes me feel like
I'm doing better than I give myself credit for.

Oh yeah... We aren't getting transferred!!!!! My 7 transfer/7 companion
streak is ending!!!! I'm kinda sad.. I was going for the record of
companions in one mission for Sisters AND Elders. haha.. Maybe I can
still do it though. I'm just hoping we're not getting another Elder
that's close to going home. I dont know if I can deal with that for 6
more weeks.

Also.. With the painting of Betty's place.. The Bishop and our Ward
Mission Leader are STILL working on getting a group together to finish
it.. Which is lame. Its been a 2 month project already... And it's not
helping that she wants to wait to be taught more by us until after its
all done so that people do think she's mooching or something... ugh...
Things are slow going with her, but I'm supposed to learn patience
right??... That's not something I inherited from my Father...

So... I can't really think of what else happened this week... I guess I
just told you the highlights. Things have kind of been dull. I try to do
fun things but then I get in trouble by Sis Kiser... haha... which kind
of has become a game... oh boy.. Charity Sis Dyer!!! Charity!! haha..
But no. I think things are lightening up, so hopefully this transfer
will be more enjoyable..

The Church is true everyone! Dont forget it! And if you dont know it...
PRAY about it!!! That's how it works. WOOT!!!

-Sister Dyer

Monday, January 12, 2009


So... Another week eh. Things are going by TOO fast this year... It's
prolly got something to do with how incredibly busy we are lately...
We've been teaching a lot of people, but they haven't really been going
anywhere, so the Bishop just told us yesterday not to really bother with
them, and that we need to focus more on the members here. So he's
getting us to start teaching them and in the end we'll be getting solid
referrals from them. I think that plan is genius. Woot for the members!

We had our Zone Conference this week too. It was pretty awesome, and
right after we had President Interviews which was AWESOME!!! He makes it
seem like I'm the best thing since sliced bread!! haha.. He told me that
if I ever needed a self confidence boost, to just call him, and he'd
help me out with that. haha.. President and I are tight apparently. He
told me to just be myself ALWAYS because the way I am is what helps me
stay happy and what helps me teach the best way I can. So it's nice to
know I have his approval to be a goofball.. hahaha... Now I just gotta
get my companion to appreciate the goofball within!! haha..

Also... Exciting news. Tomorrow we're going to Camden, AR to go on
exchanges with the Senior Sister missionaries there for a day!!! WOOT!!!
I'm so excited!!!!! hahaha!!! I get to be companions with a Senior
Sister for a day!!! We're gonna be staying there overnight so we get to
have a full 24 hrs together. Its prolly gonna be the only time in my
whole mission that I'll be going on exchanges so I better enjoy it!!
I'll report back next week. haha..

And Dad... You know the Sugarbowl game??? yeah... Well... We watched
part of it with our ward mission leader because he was really into it.
It was pretty funny.  The Elders were way into it too. But I knew
exactly what you were talking about when you were explaining the
awesomeness in it in your letter. haha... Oh football... It's not
anywhere near as cool as hockey....

As for the painting... We pawned that off on the Elders Quorum.. Best
decision ever. They're hopefully gonna round up some people and get it
done really soon. It will be awesome though because it'll give us more
time to teach Betty. Shes soaking it all up too. It'll be nice for her
not to have to worry about that part.

So... Yeah... Pretty much everything is going well... I didn't really
leave myself enough time to write.. Too many people love me I guess, so
I spent too much time emailing other people... Woops... At least I know
I'm loved. That's a plus. :)

The Church is true everyone. Never forget it.

-Sister Dyer