Wednesday, January 30, 2008

happy p-day eh

Hello everyone... How's it goin eh?

haha... yes i am still Canadian. I attempted a y'all the other day, and it just didn't feel right... I still have a long way to go until i'm officially a southern belle by association... the problem is, most of the members here moved here from UTAH!!! so i'm more likely to come back speaking like Clarke did when he came home... thats not cool!!!!!

Anyways.. I still haven't gotten the blanket, but i HAVE acquired a loaner blanket. and i'm not sorry at all that i've been missing -46 degree weather. haha... suckers...

So guess what... I've officially survived my very first TORNADO WARNING!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha!!!! It was yesterday and it was CRAZY!!!! The wind was NUTS!!!!!!!!! We went out tracting for half an hour, but when we saw random objects flying through the air, and garbage cans rolling around in the middle of the streets, and flag poles falling over, and trees starting to crack, we went home... haha... also... wind+skirt=not friends.

We went over to our downstairs neighbor actually. They're this adorable old couple that aren't members, but they've been friends with the Sister Missionaries since they starting living at our place a few years ago. So we decided that since we were going to use the Special Witnesses of Christ video for a couple of lessons, that we should bring it with us to their home so we could watch it and pick out the parts we were gonna use. So. Missionary opportunity AND lesson preparation. haha. It was cool. They watched the whole thing with us and loved it. haha. I love that couple. They're so awesome.

Basically all of our progressing investigators have stopped progressing because they're not recieving answers to prayers, and are questioning the need of a testimony about Joseph Smith, and baptism, because everyone here has already been baptized into one church or another so they dont see the need for it. Our solution as missionaries is to basically bombard them with testimonies of ourselves, of members, and of the Apostles so that they can see how powerful and necessary having a testimony is. So i'm excited. its gonna be awesome. I have a testimony of testimonies. So if you have one, share it. Because it ALWAYS effects someone. Think of Abinidi!!!!!!

The work is progressing most definitely though. Despite tornado warnings and whatnot. haha. oh yeah.. so after we finished watching the video with our downstairs neighbour, we called the mission president's wife to see what to do, so she told us to take refuge at a members home. and thats what we did.

Our Zone leaders told us last night that when they were tracting in this crazy wind storm, that they tried to talk to this lady on her driveway, but she totally blew them off, so they gave her a pass along card and started walking away, then they heard a crack and boom, looked back, and a tree had fallen on this lady's house.... so i was like... THAT'S TERRIBLE!!!!!! but the Elders were like... THAT'S WHAT SHE GETS FOR REJECTING THE GOSPEL!!!!! whatever works eh?... haha...

oh yeah!!! also... i got to go to Memphis on Friday. haha. All the new missionaries got to go to this training meeting there, and it was good. we all squished in a van, and drove the 2 and a half hours together. haha.. All of us seem to be doing really well in our areas and it was good to see them all again. The meeting in Memphis was at the Church beside the Temple!!! We didn't get to go to a session, but the Memphis Temple is LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME AS EDMONTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOO cool to be there! I almost kinda felt like it was home.. except for the Memphis Tennessee Temple sign... haha... 

Yeah... Eventful week. I'm still doing great. I'm excited to have my own blanket soon.. oh and mom... i haven't ridden my bike at all... My companion cant ride one... however. we have had a car pretty much since we got here, so it really hasn't been an issue. I'm totally working out every morning too. today i did lunges... but i think i did to many... haha... i kinda hurt... but i refuse to come back as big as Clarke did!!! oh.. by the way... congrats on the Harry Ainley assignment.... and i agree with Ian... i totally laugh too whenever i hear that school's name... hehe... But i know you'll do well Clarke. :) And remember... no babies till i come home!!!

So. The Church continues to be true. Thanks for the support and love. I miss you, but i'm keeping busy. :)

-Sister Dyer

Wednesday, January 23, 2008



So... Week one in Arkansas.... Pretty uneventful... Tracting is a gong show... haha... We mostly run into Baptists who commend us for doing what we do, then tell us to move on to the next house, or we run into priests who flat out tell us we're wrong, or we run into the occational person who actually lets us in and thats quite exciting. 

On friday we were tracting and we came to this woman's house and she totally invited us right in and it was the first time anyone had ever let us in since i've been here. so we start talking and we teach her the first lesson about Joseph Smith, and it was awesome!! We set up another appointment, came back and taught her the plan of salvation on Monday, and now we're going to set up another appointment with her, and that's where we get all... "once you pray to find out if these things are true, will you be baptized?"... i'm excited... I dont really know how well that'll work... but we're supposed to "soft commit" people really early on.. basically ask them if they'll get baptized if they receive an answer that the church is true. its intense. and i love it.

we have a few other investigators, but i didn't find them... i'm kinda just picking up where the last sister left... so when sis blake and i go to teach, they talk about sis blake's last companion alot... and i feel left out... but whatever. I still teach them.

Also.... The members feed us every night. EVERY NIGHT we have a dinner appointment!! Its pretty awesome. haha.. however... they dont really feed us the most healthy things... so i've gotta be careful... 

Okay... and Cabot... its really REALLY different from home. Its weird. So first off... All of the mailboxes are on the side of the road, because the mailmen here dont walk their routes. They drive them... So they have all the mail in their car, pull up to the mailbox and put the mail in it, and drive off. They never have to get out of their car. Its weird!!! Also... you know how at the lake, there's no sidewalks and there's the ditch at the front of the lawn with the sewer type thing that collects all the water?? Thats what its like here. Every lawn has those ditches. They dont have a covered sewer for rain water.. its exactly like how it is at the lake. So the whole no sidewalks thing makes tracting on busier roads interesting...

Its actually pretty cool here too.. Our car tells us the temperature, and so far it hasn't made it over 40 degrees. its chilly!!! but... i have come up with a solution... prepare for this... its freaking hilarious. but effective.

So. My legs get cold walking around in a skirt... Solution... wear either pajamas, or sweats underneath my dress, and roll them up to my knees. So i'm wearing pants... you just cant tell. and it keeps me warm.. My feet also get cold too... so i put on socks... then my knee highs... it looks absolutely rediculous... but its effective! haha... My coat is plenty warm so all i have to worry about is my lower half... haha... i know i look rediculous with my socks and ugly shoes and whatnot while i'm out, but the fact is that i'm warm!!!

Also... Dad.... those donuts you sent me in the MTC were nothing like krispy kreme.... i'm all about donuts.. but those ones were the gross, chewy, dry, not fresh donuts... ick... but still... its the thought that counts and i appreciate it.

And thank you for the blanket!!! I will eagerly await its arrival. I sleep with a hoodie, socks and flannel pjs, and still manage to keep semi warm at night, but i'm excited to stay ALL warm at night. haha..

So yes... my first real p-day. We're going shopping. haha. Apparently k-mart has skirts and blouses that are 2 bucks each. So I'm there!! that's pretty much what we've got planned... then dinner tonight with a family from church..

I've also aquired the nickname "little bear"... apparently i talk and laugh like little bear from a movie called "country bear"... haha.... so yeah... 

basically thats it for now... I'm doing great with the going to bed at 10:30 now. by the end of the day i'm beat, so i fall asleep right away. haha... 

Love you all very much!!! Keep the letters coming!!!! Miss you!!!

and also.... the church is true. :)

- Sister Dyer

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i only have 5 minutes... so. here's some things.. 

My trainer is Sister Blake. She's from Tonga.

Mail me letters and packages to my apartment. Here's the address...

132 Cardinal Lane
Building 8, Apt 83
Cabot, AR 72023


Also... favor....

I had to leave my blanket at the MTC because it was too heavy... do you think you could possibly send me a blanket???? PLEASE?!?!?!

Also thank you for the bike. I picked it up today and its awesome. its white and green and matches my luggage. its funny.. and flowery. and girly. i love it..

and i need you to send me one more thing... i left all my cd's!!!! Can you send me my efy cd's, the hymns, the childrens songbook songs, and the mix cds of church stuff i put in the DVD case we took down to utah?? also... if ian can part with it... can you send his efy cd from last year too??? that would be awesome... our apartment is really quiet and i bought a cheap cd player... yeah... so if you could send me that stuff, i'll love you even more than i already do. 

Also... can you email sadie and tell her i say hi?? i miss her and i thought about her today.

my picture with the mission pres should be coming in a couple weeks. so look for that. i also wrote a short letter to go with it... i'm sorry i dont really have much time... yeah... so basically i'm in Cabot, which is 30 minutes North of Little Rock. Our apartment is great and i have my own bathroom. I brought sheets, but i just need a blanket to keep me warm at night... 

and if you could forward my new address to my friends. that would be awesome. I'm gonna be there for at least 6 weeks. so yeah... mail and packages to Cabot. THANKS!!!! anything sent to other places will be forwarded, so i'll get it, but it'll just take longer.

And it looks like i have dinner appointments every night pretty much. its awesome. I'm going to my first one tonight.

OH!!!! and my companion cant drive!!! but we have a car!!!! and since i CAN drive, i GET to drive!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its just like Grandma Dyer's car. so its cool! haha!!! so awesome.

yeah. Basically i love you all. I'm in Arkansas safe. I love the humidity, and its around 40 degrees farenhight... yeah... i cant spell that.... ummm... yea.... it looks like edmonton almost.... haha... but everything is really spread out. its a 20 minute drive to walmart. go figure... walmart capital and its not across the street. hahaha....

ummm.... yeah....

I still dont like flying... just wanna make sure you remember that...

I get to teach my first real lesson tomorrow at 1:00. so excited. Apparently there's another family, separate from this investigator, thats really close to baptism. woot!!! We just have to talk to the mom more and if she says yes, then her and her husband and son are are getting baptized together!! i think i'm possibly meeting them tomorrow.. but i could quite possibly have 3 baptizms on my first transfer!!! IN ARKANSAS!!!!!!!!!!!!1 hahahaha!!!! This is basically amazing.

Alright. So. i have a huge email to print out from randi. its an hours worth of typing. haha.. i love my friends..

OH!!! and tell monie i got the pop rocks she sent me!!!!!!!! haha... they were waiting for me at the mission home and i was excited. I love mail. So yes. 14 monie.

Tell grandma dyer what elephant shoe means please... she didn't know and asked me in the letter she sent me.. hahaha...

yeah... so clearly i had more than 5 minutes. that was a surprise. but yes. printing email, then going to dinner! so awesome!!!

THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-sister alison dyer

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Last P-Day at the MTC!!!!!

Hello Everyone!!!

Clarke said my horrible use of capitals and punctuation was like a bad blog and it killed the inner English teacher within... To that I say.... DEAL WITH IT!!!!! I only have so much time to write emails so if i miss a capital or two, its only because i have a lot to say and the shift key slows me down!!! haha!!

CONGRATULATIONS BRUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU AND I'LL BE AT YOUR BAPTISM IN SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HOME DEPOT HOTTIE BECOMES THE HOME DEPOT MORMON HOTTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man... that was a lot of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s.... anyways....

So i got to FINALLY go to the Provo Temple this morning! it was awesome!!! It just opened back up on Monday after being closed for the holidays. so I'm glad i at least got to go once. Also... the food there was amazing.... not that the MTC food is terrible... the temple food is just BETTER. haha...

We've been doing A LOT of teaching this week. Since my district is here for an extra week because of the holidays, we've pretty much gone over everything we'd normally go through if we were here for only 3 weeks. but this extra week gives us extra time to prepare lessons and teach it and whatnot. so i'm all happy about that.

I got my flight plans too! I have to be at the travel office at 3:00 AM in the MTC to give them my packed bags and stuff. Then we're getting on a bus to go to the Airport. I'm flying with 10 other Elders to Little Rock, and I'm still the only Sister. haha.. So the flight leaves SLC at 6:00AM and its with Delta. We're flying to Atlanta, Georgia first, and we have an hour and a half there before our next flight to Arkansas. This is all happening on Tuesday January 15th. And i found out that During the time in Atlanta, we're all able to call home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO!!!! BE HOME IN THE MORNING ON TUESDAY BECAUSE I'M CALLING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if nobody answers, that will make me sad... but i'll call dad's office if it comes to that. I'm excited to talk to you. hehe...

Thank you for not sending me any food this week. i really do appreciate it. However... the amount of real letters i'm getting is significantly decreasing so when we get our mail each day its kinda sad... but then I come onto my email and get two huge Randi emails. haha! Oh.. Also Randi... You can continue emailing me. And if you ever decide to mail me anything I'm all for it. I just print your crazy long emails and read them later. haha... But just so you have a preview of the letter i'm gonna send you today, I love you a lot and the Church is DEFINITELY true. haha... 

And Monie... WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?!?!?!?!! I've only gotten ONE email from you!!!!!! Where's all this mail you were so excited to send me?! I love you and all... but honestly... Where's the love for me?... haha.... i mean.... 14321414322223232354!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And about the BYU devotionals.. I dont go to those ones. Those are for the BYU students... The missionaries at the MTC have their own devotions that I'm pretty sure aren't broadcasted... D. Todd Christofferson spoke this week. It was my last general authority devotional hear... sad.... but i did at least get to sing in the MTC choir which was cool. I quite liked it.

Also... David... You're the only not-family that's sent me a real letter. Thank you SOOO much. I really like getting your letters. Like A LOT.

For the rest of you... that's not to say i dont appreciate emails, because i do. i just have to wait longer to check my email. i know letters are delayed by like a week, but i get to open them right away. i dunno... mail is just more satisfying.... hahaha...

Yeah... This has been a pretty normal week... Except for when Clarke told me Cecilia was pregnant and my heart stopped, but then i read the "just kidding" part.... yeah... not cool Clarke... not cool....

And Ian!!!! You have to tell me about your new years!!! mom said it was eventful. you didn't kiss anyone did you???....

Basically thats all... Lots of teaching... lots of studying.... i memorized D&C 4 finally... haha... yeah... I'm excited to get out of the MTC though. I'm ready to do some real missionary work... So. Invite the missionaries over to you home!!!!! They appreciate it!!!!! And also... teaching member lessons is totally more fun so let the missionaries teach you!!!!! 

OH!!!! one last thought.... theres a new teacher here at the MTC who got back from his mission 2 months ago.. Brother Ballister. He served in Edmonton!!!!!!!!!!! We were basically instant friends. He served in Connors Hill for a while, but never made it to Forest Heights or Highlands... but we know a lot of the same people, so it was cool. 

Yeah... I also got some pictures developed so I'm gonna be sending those home today too.. hehe... pictures!!! i heart my camera.... anyways... times up!!!!!

Next time I email you it'll be from Arkansas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Alison J. Dyer

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hullo again

Haha.. okay.. So same procedure. Looks like everyone I asked you to send my email to worked so thank you very much!!!! Please continue to forward it to them all!!! THANKS!!!!

And mom... you're welcome for using capitals in my letter. it takes too much effort to capitalize sometimes. hahaha.... Also... The computer is Cecilia's. She loaned it to me while i was in banff but it kinda sucks so i never used it. so do what you please with it. 

So life is still really really busy here. Lots of learning and stuff. Sis. Adams and I got to teach the second lesson to someone yesterday and it was kind of a gong show. Sis Adams isn't really that confident in her knowledge of the gospel so she doesn't really say much when she has the chance... so i ended up teaching 80% of the lesson which was kinda frustrating so I've declared teaching Boot Camp on her. ahha.. I told her that she's gonna gain confidence from me. I know she knows it because we teach awesome together when we're teaching a wall, but bring in a real person and she freezes up. bah. But we will get better and i will keep you updated for sure.

also.... STOP SENDING ME FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we get fed SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much here, its REDICULOUS!!!!! Tell Darlene Marshall thanks for the huge bag full of Canadian candy, and tell Sis Corie thanks for the chocolate... and I'm not so grateful for the BOX OF DONUTS YOU SENT ME!!!!!!!!! do you WANT me to come home 300lbs?! haha!!! So I've learned that if i take the candy i get sent to me and bring it to class, i can totally get rid of it all quick because the Elders all eat the chocolate! haha!! pretty much its awesome. So the Elders in my district wanted me to tell you that they were grateful for the donuts. 

I got the postcard and the DearElder letters too by the way and thank you sooooooo much for them. I much prefer letters over food in the mail. haha..

Also... they have a mini sister missionary mall here at the MTC so my roommates and I all went there and i totally bought a stereotypical floral missionary dress!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! full length and everything. its red. has flowers all over... and polka-dots just to finish it off. I'll have to show you a picture sometime when i get around to printing them. hahaha.... its so disgusting its awesome.... :P

What else.... oh yeah!!!!! So we have our special Tuesday night devotional meetings where a General Authority comes to speak to us. Last week it was an apostle, like i already told you. This week it was Elder Douglas L. Callister. He's the one that gave the talk last conference about "knowing that you know". So because that was my favorite conference talk i recognized him immediately and got really excited.. sidenote... I'm part of the MTC choir so we sang Jesus Once of Humble Birth at that devotional. Yes. Everything awesome connected. So he spoke on the Book of Mormon and how he came to know it was true and how he continues feeding his testimony. He had no note, no teleprompter.. nothing. He looked like he was praying the whole time until he stood up to give his talk. IT WAS SO AMAZING!!!! like... the spirit was SOOO stong after that meeting... i was sooo happy. i was actually trying to figure out when the last time i'd felt so full of the spirit and so happy before and the only time i could think of was when i got baptized.. haha. so i'd say that was a pretty powerful talk. basically it was awesome. but.... factorial X1000000... or... ya... just really really awesome.

I've learned that I can print emails too... So pretty much anyone can email me and i can print them and read them later and write a letter later on. yeah.. just an FYI. and also... can you thank Margaret and Sean for the picture of Robbie they sent me?? or you could just email this to them too. hahaha. i like hearing from them.

So. I've learned that i can do my email in a different building away from the chaos of the laundry room. This is how i'm able to put together so many thoughts. haha... So as soon as I'm done this, I get to go eat, then do laundry/write letters and then do whatever else i need to do too..

We haven't had the chance to go to the temple yet... the Provo temple has been closed the past while. but it opens up on monday so next and final p-day at the MTC i get to FINALLY go to the Provo temple. I'm so excited... woot!!! I loooooove the temple.  Yeah...

So just know that i'm still really happy and working with my companion to help her out. I'm being patient, and I know she'll be an awesome missionary in the field. Thank you so much for sending me letters (remember.. not so much the food..) I really do appreciate all the love and support. I think of you often. I love you all. Keep up the awesomeness. Love you. Miss you. Dont be dumb, and that is all..

Oh and ps THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Alison J Dyer