Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So... Another week... another email...

This is the last week of transfers eh??... Each transfer the likelyhood
of me leaving is getting greater and greater, yet I have NOOO idea whats
going to happen... I hate packing.. That's all I'm thinking about
transfers.. haha...

Anyways... So the fishing has been kinda lame... We haven't caught
ANYTHING.. Which I'm actually kind of okay with, because I'm pretty sure
I'd actually pee myself if we caught anything... Its amazing how
friendly people are when you're fishing though. haha. People talk to us
instead of us talking to them. WOOT!!! We're smart.

So... I've got a bunch of stuff to say to individual people first off..

1. Clarke... When you're in Banff, say hi to the Yawney's (Branch Pres
and his family), the Lee's (he was the Branch Pres when I was there, and
he sent in my papers), the Mooney's (she was my VT comp and he worked at
the Hotel with me), and MaRee Wilson (she was my VT-er)... Basically...
say hi to everyone for me... 14 Banff... Also... You're the Sunday
School Pres eh??.. That's pretty sweet. Dream job!! haha..

2. Mom... That's totally fine with giving my quilt to Grandma Thom...
She clearly needs it more than I do. Give her a hug for me okay??..

3. Dad... Read Moroni 8:3. That's my scripture for you. And also... With
the whole fishing license thing... I dunno!!! We're not gonna keep
anything so I figure we're fine. We're not even catching anything
anyways.. haha..

4. Ian... You're performing an English project?!?!?!!?! Dude!!! You're
the coolest kid ever!!! haha!! Good luck with that. I'm pretty impressed
with your writing skills too. I cant write a song for the life of me!!

That's all the individual shout outs for today.. But... I'M SO EXCITED
FOR SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ashley is all ready and she is sooooo
excited. Her bf's father is doing the actual baptism and her cousin, who
is her only family that's a member of the church is doing her
confirmation. She's so excited and the whole ward loves her. Man... The
gospel is sooo true.. I love being able to witness people gain a
testimony of it.. Such an incredible thing to see and also to be a part
of. Look forward to pictures. Baptism pictures are the best ones

Also.. Tonight we're having a ward Halloween party!! WOOT!!! Sis Jensen
and I are totally dressing up like eachother... pretty much just
switching name tags... But she has curly hair, so she curled my hair
this morning... which took an hour and a half and also a half a can of
hairspray.. haha.. I love curly hair actually... It's pretty sweet. On
actual Halloween, we're not allowed to be out after dinner, so we're
having a dinner and a lesson at a part member's home, then we are gonna
head back. Which is kinda sad, but I totally understand. Sorry Ian... I
cant track instead of trick or treat... and believe me.. I'm upset about
it too........ haha... 

I got the package that mom sent me yesterday! WOOT!!! The gummie bears
are AWESOME and I LOVED the shirt. I've been sad I didn't have an
Edmonton shirt, but now I do!! WOOT!!! Pretty much... 14 mail.. haha...

This has been a pretty busy week though. We're spending a lot of time
teaching members how to be better member missionaries, which has been a
mission wide thing. And so far, in the whole mission, because of this
member missionary teaching program, there are 11 baptismal dates set up
as a result!! WOOT!!!! The work here is going incredibly!!! The South is
beginning to rise. hahaha... I'm funny...

Anywho.. That's about that... Love y'all SOOOO MUCH!!!! Remember the
Savior and that the Church is true!!!!

-Sister Dyer

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So... this is how I feel right now physically...


hahaha... Dont worry I'm fine. We decided last night that since we dont
have the car this week and we wanted to go to the super walmart and get
fishing rods, that the only way we could get them is if we rode our
bikes... So we went on a 10 mile bike ride to the super walmart to get
fishing rods... haha... But while we were there we ate at mcdonalds
because it was the only place we could have eaten at and we were
starving... So... 10 mile bike ride... Mcdonalds for lunch.... clearly a
bad combination... Hence the feeling like BLECH... Okay... So maybe I'm
exagerating a tad... But it was still quite the ordeal.. especially
riding back with a backpack full of groceries and a pole sticking out of
it... haha... Yes... the mental picture you have is prolly very
acurate.. hahahaha... It was fun..

So we bought fishing poles. We decided that since there are always
people fishing at the lakes near us, that we were going to join the club
and contact the people around us. It sounds smart to us, and our
District leader actually gave us the idea. hahaha... oh man.. I dont
think I've ever had as much fun doing missionary work as I've been
having this transfer. hahaha... I'll let you know how the fishing goes.
I'm actually pretty excited... Minus the actually unhooking the caught
catfish... barf... But I'll deal with that when it happens... hahaha...
I've never been fishing before!!!

So we've been working a lot with members lately kinda training them how
to be better missionaries. So we're doing it with this one family, the
Crandall's. Sis Crandall cuts my hair actually... but yeah. So last
night we went over and we role played with them.. SOOO FUNNY!!!!!!! We
gave them both situations where one would be the member and the other
would be the person they were talking to. So the one situation was they
were at the park with their kids. So right away Bro Crandall starts
acting like he's pushing a swing and Sis Crandall goes with it.. So they
start doing their thing, then their 3 yr old Daughter Lilly walks in the
room and goes up to her dad and says What are you doing??? And he
doesn't answer because he's in the middle of this role play and he was
way into it... but Lilly was mad that he didn't answer so she's like
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! hahahahahahaha... he didn't
answer her again and continued with the role play and we all busted out
laughing and Lilly got over it and went back to playing... SOOO FUNNY!!!
Maybe you kinda had to be there... but i thought it was awesome... this
is the same girl that screamed when we were saying a closing prayer and
the phone started ringing... ANSWER THE PHONE!!!!!!! I AM A CHILD OF
GOD!!!! ANSWER THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha... that girl's got an
attitude... but its hilarious...

haha... Yeah... So much fun...

Also... I got your travelouge Dad. WOOT!!! I loved it. ESPECIALLY that a
picture of mom was in it. That made me happy!!! I have pictures of my
whole family now. WOOT!!!!

So yeah... That's pretty much the highlights of my week. hahaha... Oh
good times... The Church is true y'all!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PART 2!!!!!!!!!!!

haha... woops... I forgot... So I went to the Air show eh?? Oh man... it
was sooooooo awesome. There were a lot of members there too. I didn't
know any of them, but they always stopped us and said Hi Sisters!!! It
made me feel loved. So it was ACTUALLY the Blue ANGELS that were there.
They're part of the Navy... which is weird because they're planes.. but
whatev's... I got a LOT of pictures and videos. But I think my favorite
was the F-16. A) because it was the most impressive. It went straight up
from 300ft to 15000ft in less than a minute. and b) because it was
SOOOOO loud!!!!!!!!! Like... louder than a concert!!! hahaha... All the
poor kids there though, they were all having a cow. they were pretty
freaked out but all the parents were laughing so hard at them because
the planes were freaking them out too. hahaha... yeah... So it was a lot
of fun...

Also.. Dad.. Cabot is said like Rabbit. Seriously... I dont think French
exists in Arkansas... hahaha...

We're having our last lesson with Ashley tonight too!! So exciting!!!!
She's getting baptized next Saturday!!! So next week we're just gonna
prepare final details and review things with her. I'm so excited!! She's
totally golden. She's never had a problem with any commitment, and she
was reading the Book of Mormon nightly before we even asked her too!!!
What's better is that she does it with her boyfriend.. haha.. sooo

Yeah... So things are awesome... like I'm sure I've already expressed.

Okay thats all for real!!!


-Sister Dyer

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...

So whenever I told people that it was Thanksgiving on Monday, they gave
me the most wierd look ever.. I'm like... HELLO?!?!?! I'm from
CANADA!!!!!! hahaha... It was still a good day though. We didn't get
turkey... But no worries. On American thanksgiving we're getting fed 3
or 4 times.... my poor body... it's gonna hate me...

I heard that Hockey season started too. haha... You're gonna have to
keep me updated on that one. Woot hockey!!

And guess what we get to do on Saturday?? Well let me tell you. We get
to go to the Little Rock Air Force Base with Louise and watch the Air
Show!!! WOOT!!! I'm so excited!!! We get to see the blue eagles???
haha.. is that what their called?? haha... Well I know what they look
like at least. I'm excited. But because Louise is one the the Chamber of
Commerse people, she gets to represent Maumelle at things like this, so
theres gonna be a Maumelle tent at the air show and we get to go with
her to represent. WOOT!!! President was all for us going. I'm sure him
being a 3 star General in the air force had nothing to do with it too.
hahaha... I'm sooo excited. Saturday's gonna be a blast!!

Also... I ate salmon on Saturday night... And I actually really liked
it... But dont expect me to all the sudden become a salmon lover because
I think this was just a fluke and the person who cooked it is amazing.
Sorry mom... but your salmon stinks up the house. Hers didn't. haha...

And this is really cool. *Yawney's.. pay attention. :P* So we have this
new Senior couple in our District, the Stotts. They're from Texas and
doing a CES mission. Elder Stotts was telling us that his first mission
was in New York. So I wondered if by chance he knew Pres Lee (my Branch
Pres in Banff).. Turns out he does!! Elder Stotts said that he did
remember "Elder Blaine Lee" because they were in the same district
together in Long Island! HOW RANDOM IS THAT!!! Seriously... the world is
so small... So Bro Yawney... Tell Pres Lee that Richard Stotts says hi..
and me too. How cool is that though eh?

Also... We have another person getting baptized in two weeks hopefully.
Sherri McKinney. She's the non member of a part member family, and I
guess she called the bishop to make an appointment with him, and they
ended up talking for almost 3 hours, and by the end of it, Bishop told
her that she needed to be baptized... in two weeks.. so bishop talked to
us and told us all about it and said that we just have to re teach her
all the lessons and she's good to go. So random... she's been around
missionaries constantly for the past 3 years. Its pretty cool that I get
to be at the tail end of this for her though. I'm excited!! Two baptisms
in one transfer!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

So things are picking up... with no other explanation than it being a
miracle. haha. The Church is most definitely true and the work is
rewarding. I love it.

- Sister Dyer

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


CALGARY'S GETTING A TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited for that!!!!!!! I love the temple sooooo much. And yes... I did a little bit freak out when it was announced. Sis Jensen had a good laugh at me. ahha... On Sunday in between sessions, I was talking to a man in the ward who grew up in Calgary and we talked a lot about home. haha. He was actually in Edmonton with his wife 2 weeks ago or something and he stayed at the Varscona hotel (the really ritzy one) on Whyte ave... Man... He was literally within a rock's throw of all my best friends... haha... But he was really really exctied about the Temple too. Also... he is N. Eldon Tanner's grandson. Pretty cool eh?

So yeah... Conference was awesome. and a temple in Rome too. haha. So wonderful. I love the temple... did I say that already??... haha... I think I appreciated Elder Hales talk the most about Christian courage. When he was talking, I just kept on thinking of instances where I could have reacted better on a doorstep to someone who was kinda hostile... However... I've repented and pledged to do better. So that was the talk I most appreciated/needed.

The most upsetting thing about Conference though, was that I went to walmart to go get some gummi bears to munch on during the sessions... But the States dont have the REAL gummi bears!!!! There was not a pink package in sight, and I was really upset about it... There were a whole bunch of other kinds so I bought one package, but they were gross.... It was really sad... So instead I got Gobstoppers and my mouth felt raw by the end of it all... It was sad... Gummi bears are the best conference treat...

Also... Before I forget... Since it's November next month, can you send me a poppy that I can wear??? I would like to represent for my country. :) haha. Speaking of sending me things... President Drewes told us that we can pretty much listen to any kind of music as long as it invites the spirit... So here's my requests... haha...

-Prince of Egypt CD
- any other Disney songs (little mermaid is definitely a must, and prolly pocahontas for the colors of the wind song.. haha...)
- pretty much anything.. Its all up to interpretation. If it helps you feel the spirit, bring it on. I'm kinda getting motab'ed and EFY'ed out for now...

President Drewes is actually doing really amazing things other than the music things. His motto is "Live the higher law". He's a huge advocate of making your own decisions, and trying to figure out things to do OTHER than tracting all day because he realizes that it's mostly useless.. So as a result, we've been spending a lot more time out and about when we dont have any appointments contacting at parks, and doing things that are way more exciting and much less redundant. He's also stressing member missionary work HARD. So he wants us to spend lots of time training members how to be better missionaries, and its really exciting. He told us yesterday at Zone Conference, that if every member gave the missionaries one referral a month, then a ward of about 125 active members would have 31 baptisms that month. that's applicable world wide!!! SO START GIVING YOUR MISSIONARIES REFERRALS!!!!!!!! haha... Basically, I love President Drewes.

And Clarke.. Remember when you did the presentation at Grant Mac about the Joseph Smith quote "I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves"?... You wouldn't by chance have a copy of it that you could send off sometime do you??... I've been thinking alot about when you told me about your experience giving the presentation... so its a long shot... but I'm just wondering..

So yeah. Lots of stuff is on the brink of happening. I can feel it, and I'm really excited about it, and it's making being in Maumelle for so long a lot less frustrating and a whole bunch more exciting. I love missionary work, and I love sharing the gospel. The Church is True y'all!!! Now go and share it!!!

-Sister Dyer

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another Wednesday... Another email..

I love p-days. It's good to be able to let loose every once and a while. We went shopping this morning and I got some new tracting shoes and some new sunday shoes because the ones i have are all trashed... its lame... I cant walk in the pair i wore all summer because they've worn out and make my knee roll funny and it hurts... so i fixed that and got new shoes from payless. So that was good. I love shoe shopping. its not as satisfying as heels shopping, but it'll do.

So Randi and Monie sent me fishnet SOCKS... hahahahahaha... Pretty much the best thing ever. It made me laugh.

Yesterday we met Elvis and an old people home. It was pretty funny. Good ol Elvis impersonators... They're kinda creepy actually.. Which is why I didn't get a picture. haha.

We got to go to the Relief Society broadcast this week. It was really good, but totally not what I was expecting. You know how the men always get rebuked in Priesthood?? well.. we kinda got rebuked in Relief Society.. It was kind of refreshing. They pretty much told the women to quit worrying so much about their clothes and makeup and start living up to the RS purpose! haha... I liked it. It seemed to light a fire within each women to do better. I appreciated it.

Sis Jensen is doing very well, and she's very appreciative of the cool weather. it's so nice.. I'm able to wear my sweater vests again and that's pretty happy.

We're teaching Ashley again tonight, but we're thinking we're gonna have to move back her baptism date because we dont have enough time to teach her and she doesn't feel ready yet. So... We'll move it back a week or too, but she's totally still set for being baptized. We need more people like her...

Larry's doing really well too. He's been to Church with Louise for the past month every week, and he loves it. We actually even got him to realize he has the beginnings of a testimony. That was incredible but it kinda freaked Larry out a bit. hahaha... Understandable I guess.

Everything else is going really well.. things are really uneventful though, so I'm sorry I dont have much to report anymore.. Love y'all lots, and remember that the Church is true!!!

-Sister Dyer